Friday, August 18, 2006

I am back in charge of the BLOG.

I thought I'd try and get active again with the BLOG. I can't believe it's still here, but it is.

As some of you know, hard times have hit Walton Mountain, and I am now on Welfare. Even though I must dress the way I do, because of the ongoing depression, I am very happy all the time, with that smile on my face.

I am thinking about my hunting days (as everyone in my neighborhood does)....

I know that some of you like to write about your dogs, but my dog tops them all. I needed a hunting dog, so that's what I got. I think he would also be good in dog shows. Here he is in his hunting outfit.


Darkgarden said...

Your doggy is abolustely da'ling!

May I roast it?

Good to see you back here!

Sisiggy said...

When did all this happen? There are postings and stuff all over the place.

I'd say more, but I only have one finger on my left hand to type with and it's annoying.