Tuesday, February 14, 2006

From comments received, it appears we went too far with our last post. It has been deleted and JB has been suspended from running the Blog, indefinitely.

We acknowledge that Mr. Garden has worked extremely hard in creating a great looking place, and JB had no intention of implying otherwise. We received a lot of heat, and we deserved it.

On top of that, JB goes off on some rediculous hunting trip. We received this picture of JB with his new hunting partner. Knowing these two, they probably got into some kind of trouble.

So, that was the last straw!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Well it's time to start thinking about one of those trips up to AC. I haven't taken the bus up there in a while. The buses are getting harder and harder to find these days. Here's a picture from last year -- getting ready to shove off with all the happy gamblers!

Here I am with the gang at the Craps table last December. What a trip that was!