Tuesday, January 24, 2006

It's time for the next big trip! Let me be the first to post that the gang will be heading up to Blue Knob, which has just closed.

But there is hope of re-opening. And we managed not to destroy the last trip, so there is hope for this one.

According to Weather Underground and, supposedly, an Air Force database, there currently is no natural snow cover anywhere in Pennsylvania. Supposed to snow tonight in some areas, however.


Sisiggy said...

Somehow I knew you'd be giving us the weather. I bet you have fifty million weather links bookmarked on your computer.
I bet you have a chart of the different weather reports.
And we haven't even gotten there and you are already anticipating doom and disaster.

Darkgarden said...

Posters! POSTERS! Must have posters!

Dude... If you could just whip out a JB mask w. that face on when you goin' down one of the slopes!... Priceless.